Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Driving down the road one day Beej Hit a

Gopher....squish... at 80

Arthur Bryant's BBQ Review

OOOOH Boy Arthur Braynt's World Famous BBQ on Brooklynn and 18th!!! KC is almost as famous for BBQ as Grassy Rib Daddy's so I had to see how they measured up to the East Coast Drunk-A-Q. I could smell the smoker from the parking lot and even though the neighborhood may not have been the best. The place was sure authentic. First thing I noticed when I walked in was the place was old, small, and confusing (maybe my fault). I sheepishly ordered the food through bulletproof(?)glass, and had no idea what was going on (once again that was probably my fault ) I just threw the woman my debit card and grabbed the food. Through the confusion we ended up getting the pulled pork, burnt ends (ends of the brisket famous in KC), and the ribs. All food is served open faced style on a piece of white wonder bread. The food was amazing the burnt ends were moist, smokey, and drenched in a sweet and spicy BBQ Sauce. So tender it was almost like it had been braised all day. The food overall was an 8. We drooled about it all night. Now how does it measure up? Grassy Rib Daddy's has definitely produced BBQ on that quality, if not better on occasion. I realized they have it down to a science and it's all about consistency, unlike Rib Daddy's (that may be the beer messing things up after 14 hours of smoking) But to do it right everyday like that I don't know if that would be possible. However, Bryant's is all about the sauce, and if Rib Daddy's was using that in quantity they could easily copy the pulled pork. One of the best parts was soaking up all the BBQ sauce on the piece of soggy white wonder bread they had laid the meat on. Tonight we are off to Oklahoma Joe's BBQ. Look for the all encompassing review tomorrow.

Occupy Kansas City!!!

Made it to occupy KC. I cant really tell how the movement is going here. It seems to be a mix of wannabes from SLC punk and feminist-nazi lesbians. It has been pouring rain ever since we got here (had to go to the local laundry mat to dry ALL our clothes today. our"weatherproof" Yakhima travel bag not so weather proof. Does craigslist have a return policy?.) It was actually rainier and windier than the fabled hurricane Bor-ene of August last night, and it was a little crazy to be sleeping out. I think the rain is keeping the people who actually have a home away (about 75% of the tents seem unoccupied?). It seems like safe place to crash and as the great Rodney Farva says "hey whatever's free." If it clears up maybe I'll yet at the bankers going into the Federal Reserve Building whose lawn we are camping on, or I can explore the gorgeous park that is across the street, or check out the seemingly vibrant sections of this city. Until then I'm gonna chief on one in the car and watch the die hard occupiers try and figure out just what the hell they are protesting for.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Express Pulls into Grand Rapids

The Chambliss re-election tour has pulled into Grand Rapids Michigan to do some grass roots campaigning. The trip has been filled with family visits so far, but we are headed to occupy Kansas City Monday Morning for a booze fueled BBQ run. Tonight we are off to see the Yonder Mountain String Band with the infamous string dusters. If you haven't checked the dusters yet you're missing out. With tomorrow being the sabbath I won't be traveling. Instead I'll be sitting in a sports bar tipping back local micro brews watching NFL football sundee.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Goodbye Portsmouth

After 3+ years in Portsmouth Alaina, Saxby, and I have decided packed it in and move to the Bay Area. Portsmouth never seemed to recover after the blem was closed. No one called the cops when I bounced my basketball in the road anymore. And most certainly I didn't get anymore government subsided beef product from any neighbors begging us to turn down computer speakers at 2 in the afternoon. As we drive across the country we will be staying in National Parks and occupy tent cities (yes I'm no longer a repub...but dont call me a dem and hey those hippies don't charge to stay and they probably got some killer bud) So if you want to keep a tab on us here is your chance since I am no good at FB, and I don't care enough to write to any of you personally. Thanks to all our friends back east you all will be greatly missed.