Thursday, November 3, 2011

Goodbye Portsmouth

After 3+ years in Portsmouth Alaina, Saxby, and I have decided packed it in and move to the Bay Area. Portsmouth never seemed to recover after the blem was closed. No one called the cops when I bounced my basketball in the road anymore. And most certainly I didn't get anymore government subsided beef product from any neighbors begging us to turn down computer speakers at 2 in the afternoon. As we drive across the country we will be staying in National Parks and occupy tent cities (yes I'm no longer a repub...but dont call me a dem and hey those hippies don't charge to stay and they probably got some killer bud) So if you want to keep a tab on us here is your chance since I am no good at FB, and I don't care enough to write to any of you personally. Thanks to all our friends back east you all will be greatly missed.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I see you guys on CNN at an occupy wall street rally!!! W/ your redsox bloods jacket banging out like u hippies do ... Good luck keep blogging ... Your number on follower. Brenny
