Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Occupy Kansas City!!!

Made it to occupy KC. I cant really tell how the movement is going here. It seems to be a mix of wannabes from SLC punk and feminist-nazi lesbians. It has been pouring rain ever since we got here (had to go to the local laundry mat to dry ALL our clothes today. our"weatherproof" Yakhima travel bag not so weather proof. Does craigslist have a return policy?.) It was actually rainier and windier than the fabled hurricane Bor-ene of August last night, and it was a little crazy to be sleeping out. I think the rain is keeping the people who actually have a home away (about 75% of the tents seem unoccupied?). It seems like safe place to crash and as the great Rodney Farva says "hey whatever's free." If it clears up maybe I'll yet at the bankers going into the Federal Reserve Building whose lawn we are camping on, or I can explore the gorgeous park that is across the street, or check out the seemingly vibrant sections of this city. Until then I'm gonna chief on one in the car and watch the die hard occupiers try and figure out just what the hell they are protesting for.

1 comment:

  1. beej! well done sir. good luck with your travels. set this effin blog up so all the posts are one one page ya dingus.
